Murray Liston, National Director
Murray is a co-founder of Civic MJD Australia and began his career as a valuer in 1999 and has extensive experience in commercial, retail and industrial property including specialised assets and prestige residential valuations. This includes experience valuing affordable housing projects, medium to high density residential developments and the like. He was a co-founder of MJ Davis & Realty Appraisal Valuations.

Peter Panopoulos, National Director
Peter is a Co-Founder of Civic MJD Australia and specialist valuer. Areas of expertise include mixed use development sites, multi-tenanted commercial assets, short-stay accommodation, going concern assessments and service centres. He is accredited by major lenders and government agencies as an expert in the field and is proficient in acquisition and disposal projects, rent reviews, Expert Witness cases and works closely with major Social, Affordable and Disability Housing providers.

Gerard Lykoudis
AAPI CPV, BProp. Econ. (Hons), BCom (Econ. & Fin.)
With over 10 years’ experience in the valuation industry, Gerard has had exposure and experience in valuing a wide array of asset classes with a focus on first mortgage valuations for major bank clients, including Residential, Commercial Office, Industrial, Retail/Bulky Goods and Mixed-Use Developments throughout NSW. In addition, he provides consultancy to government and private clients in matters such as Rental Assessments, Land Tax Objections and Compulsory Acquisition. Gerard’s focus and expertise is in Prestige Residential Dwellings and Specialised Asset Classes, including Development and Going Concern Assessments for Boarding Houses, Service Stations, Short Stay Accommodation and Childcare Centres.

Stephen Bull
Stephen is a NSW based, Associate Director and Senior Commercial Valuer, who has worked continuously in the valuation industry since 2006. He is skilled in all facets of Commercial Valuations and in particular specialises in Industrial Valuations. Whilst the majority of the work Stephen has undertaken is mortgage based, he has experience in Government and Consulting valuations and expert witness court experience. He is an Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute (AAPI) and a Certified Practising Valuer (CPV), and holds an Advanced Diploma of Property (Valuation) from NSW TAFE and also a Masters of Property Development from UTS (MProDev).

Bobby Miskoski
BBus (Property), Dip Real Estate, AAPI CPV.
Bobby is an Associate Director and Valuer at Civic MJD with over 10 years experience in property valuations. Bobby’s expertise extends to a diversified field of property sectors including development, industrial, retail, commercial, boarding houses, prestige residential and specialized (educational establishments, places of public worship, childcares, serviced apartments, NRAS/ARHSEPP & NDIS properties, etc.). Bobby also conducts portfolio valuations for various Community Housing Providers for various purposes. Current clients include the ‘Big Four’ banking institutions of Australia, financial institution and lenders, government organizations, private corporations and community housing providers.

Milton Cations, National Head Of Research
CPV, FAPI, CV, FRICS, SRV, M. Bus, Grad. Dip. Property, B. Bus, Assoc. Dip. Vals.
Milton is a co-founder of Civic MJD Australia and the founder of Property Dynamics. Milton’s property guidance knowledge is from high level corporate and government consulting, including being Director of Valuations & Consulting at Knight Frank for over 10 years. Milton has since directed a range of long-term consultancy assignments with many corporate and government entities. Core responsibilities include property asset use strategies, feasibility analysis, corporate investment, rental and forensic valuations. Milton holds Fellow memberships at both the Australian Property Institute and Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, is a past President of the Victorian Division of the API, a past National Vice-President and currently a Divisional Councilor.

Anthony Serratore
Anthony is a Queensland State Director and valuer at CIVIC MJD with over 15 years’ experience in property valuation and real estate advisory services. Anthony has extensive experience in a diverse range of retail, commercial, office, industrial, residential and development property segments. Anthony’s many clients include big four banks, boutique lenders, property rich institutions, developers as well as government organizations. Anthony operates from Civic MJD’s Gold Coast and Brisbane offices and is actively involved in the management of the Civic MJD Queensland team. Anthony holds a Bachelors of Property Economic from the University of Technology, Sydney.

Hugh Bristow
Hugh trained and commenced his career in valuation in the UK and commenced work as a cadet surveyor (the equivalent of a valuer) in London in 1977. A permanent move to Brisbane in 1984 saw continuing his career with international property advisors Knight Frank. He has since had experience in almost every discipline of valuation, development, litigation and consultancy including residential, retail, commercial, and industrial property. Hugh founded Bristow & Associates in 1993 and after 29 successful years merged with CivicMJD in early 2022. Over the years Hugh has been a frequent speaker and master of ceremonies at CPD events hosted by the Australian Property Institute, for example most recently he presented a paper “Valuing in a Changin Market” at the Bond University Property Day in October 2022.

Matt Garmony
Matt is the Managing Director of Civic MJD – Garmony (WA), is a Fellow of the API, a CPV, CPP, CDP, LREA and Licensed Valuer in WA and has been in the property industry since 1994. Matt is a past Chairman of the Young Property Professionals of and now current API State Committee/Board Member and Chair of the Legislative Review Committee and has been awarded the API’s Excellence in Property Award. He is an industry recognised expert in the valuation of Service Stations and Roadhouses, Golf Courses, Retirement Villages, Motor Racing tracks, ground and seabed leases, airports, residential development sites and NDIS/SDA properties. He also undertakes market rental valuations & determinations on most property types and is often an expert witness for compensation and litigation matters. Matt is also the Chair of Curtin University’s Property Advisory Panel.

Mal Cameron
Mal has over 35 years valuation experience in the banking industry, public sector (State and Federal) and private firms. Mal holds an Associate Diploma – Valuation which was obtained in 1986 and is an Associate Member of the Australian Property Institute, Certified Practicing Valuer (CPV). Mal has undertaken valuations of a wide range of property types including; commercial, retail, industrial, residential, rural and specialised properties including Hotels, Motels, Boarding Houses, Services Stations and Child Care Centres. Mal’s major responsibilities over the last 35 years have included property risk management/consultancy for the CBA and as commercial compliance manager with MVS National Valuers, Savills, Property NSW, IPN (Regional Valuers) and CivicMJD Australia. In these roles Mal’s focus has been on risk mitigation for all stakeholders. Mal’s knowledge and implementation of all policy/reporting requirements for major financial institutions, the Australian Property Institute (API) and statutory land valuation has been crucial, as has building close internal and external relationships, in successfully fulfilling a high standard of quality assurance and compliance.